How freelancing is different from being employed

    You may have been employed for a few years, or even a few decades, doing typing work. Like many nowadays, particularly after COVID, people want flexibility in their working lives. Doing transcription from home can definitely afford you this flexibility, but you have to be prepared for the shock of the real. The reality of it will hit you – maybe not initially, but at some point you’re going to realise a few home truths, and if you weren’t prepped and informed about them beforehand, it could be upsetting at least, and costly at most. This is why it’s important to know what might be waiting for you if you…

  • TIPS

    From Typist to Transcriber

    All new businesses and freelancing endeavours need a plan. You might think you can immediately transfer your skills as a secretary or typist seamlessly into freelance transcription, but I’m here to break it to you that a) nothing worth having is easy and b) there will most definitely be a learning curve to conquer! “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” – Charlie Batch  I’ve seen it hundreds of times before: people think they can wing it with no preparation, and a very small percentage might scrape by, but most can’t and fail miserably, putting an unnecessary barrier between themselves and success. Don’t let this be you. If you make a smart investment…